Top 10 Tips For Raising Invoices That Get Paid

It is important to make sure that your invoices are valid, to maximise the probablity that your customer will pay you and just in case you need to take legal action to get paid.

10 Tips For Successful Invoicing

These are our top 10 tips about how to raise valid invoices, to help ensure that you get paid on time:

  1. Make sure the customers trading style is correct e.g. X Limited or X Plc or Mr X trading as X etc. If in doubt check their stationery, business cards, brochures or website. Companies house also offer a free online database of limited companies that you can search.

  2. State the payment terms e.g. 30 days from date of invoice - you can also specifically state the due date to avoid any possible confusion.

  3. Check the address to which the invoice should be sent in advance, don't just assume its their trading address or registered office. Getting an email address may help you when you need to start chasing.

  4. Make sure your invoice states where funds are to be sent to, including bank details if you want to be paid electronically.

  5. Ensure your company name, registered office and registered company number are all shown.

  6. State your contact details in case there are any disputes or queries.

  7. There are payment associations that you can join enabling you to add their details to your invoice which can help you get paid on time.

  8. Make sure your VAT number is clearly shown and any VAT amount is spearated out with the total payable shown clearly.

  9. State any order numbers, or reference numbers, required by your customer with a clear description of the goods or services that have been provided.

  10. Send the invoice by some form of registered post so that you can prove postage.
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