78% Of Clients Haven't Had An Invoice Finance Price Check In the Last Year

A staggering 78% of existing invoice finance clients that we surveyed have not had a price check, against the market, in the last year.

Despite this, 71% of those that haven't had a price check said that they wanted their invoice finance facility to be improved by reducing the charges!

Whilst price checking and comparison sites are common place within sectors such as insurance, it seems that users of invoice finance are less likely to check their pricing against the market, possibly because there are no high profile comparison sites within the sector. Conversely, within the insurance sector, there are several well known comparison sites that have become household names e.g. compare the market etc.

If you would like to check your invoice finance price, against our panel of providers from across the UK market, or if you want to find out the cost of invoice finance, there is a simple online form: Invoice Finance Price Check.

Source: Invoice Finance Recommendation & Advertising Survey May 2015 (100 respondents - all existing users)

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
giant finance
metro bank sme finance