Invoice Finance Companies That Deal With RPOs And "Pay As Paid" Invoices

RPO invoice finance for recruitment companies.Recently, you may have seen our blog posts about invoice finance against RPO invoices. There have been issues, for some businesses within the recruitment sector, where they are dealing with these large, umbrella recruitment purchasing organisations (RPOs - Recruitment Process Outsourcing companies, also called "Neutral Vendors") and wanted access to invoice finance.

Pay When Paid

There can be problems funding "pay as paid" contracts when dealing with recruitment processing companies but we have invoice finance companies that can deal with RPOs, pay-as-paid contracts and these debtors.

Difficulties In Finding RPO Funding?

We have recently been advised that one RPO invoice finance company that was funding against one RPO has restricted the level of funding that they will provide, there are alternatives that can fund your RPO invoices without these restrictions.

If you are having issues finding an RPO invoice finance company that can help with RPO funding please speak to Sean on 03330 113622 or use the quote request to the right of this page.

We have been successful in helping many companies overcome these types of funding issues with RPOs. We may be able to assist you should you encounter similar issues.

Payroll Finance

Payroll finance is a method of improving the cash flow of recruiters. It works by releasing cash against recruitment invoices before the end debtor pays. In addition to finance, the facility can be structured to include optional credit control services, bad debt protection and payroll management. This can take away a lot of time and effort required to administer a recruiter's payroll - especially when they are dealing with large numbers of temporary placement staff.

Further Resources

Case Study - RPO Funding

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
time finance