New Invoice Finance Research Report Available To Download

Our latest market research report, regarding the invoice finance sector, is now available for you to download in PDF format: Invoice Finance Market Research Report July 2015

The free report sumarises the most recent findings from our invoice finance market research programme (and some other research studies) between January 2015 and July 2015. The report includes findings regarding the following areas:

  • The percentage of invoice finance users that will recommend their product, and their actual quotes.
  • Why more businesses don't use invoice finance, how to increase client numbers and improve facilities.
  • Who is advertising within the invoice finance sector.
  • The proportion of existing users that have checked prices recently.
  • The dynamics of switching product providers.
  • Overdraft versus alternative finance.


Posted: 30th of July 2015

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Examples of funders we work with:

leumi abl
funding invoice