• FundInvoice Wins The Award For Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year 2022

    FundInvoice Wins Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year UK 2022 at the European Business Awards

    FundInvoice LLP is proud to announce winning a second award!

    Award Winners For A Second Consecutive Year

    This time we received the 2022 award for "Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year - UK" at the European Enterprise Awards. Excellent news and our thanks must go to all our clients, funders, prospects and readers that have supported us again this year.

    FundInvoice Wins Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year - UK - 2022

    We were really grateful to hear that our efforts had again been recognised with another award.

    Thanks Once Again!

    Our small team strives to provide a unique invoice finance quote search with personal service to UK companies that are seeking products such as invoice finance, factoring, invoice discounting and business loans. We have consistently received glowing testimonials and high satisfaction ratings from our clients, so we feel that we are making a difference.Glenn Blackman and Sean Morrow of FundInvoice LLP multi-award-winning invoice finance brokers.

    Glenn Blackman said, "We are very grateful to receive a second award, it reflects all the hard work put in by our small team over the last year. Receiving this type of recognition makes all that effort worthwhile. We intend to continue to help as many customers as possible find their way to the best invoice financing deals available within the UK.".

    Research Within Receivables Financing

    Our specialism has always been receivables financing as both Glenn and Sean have extensive backgrounds within the sector. One of our strengths has been the amount of research we have conducted within this sector. The research has given us a unique perspective on how pricing and terms vary between providers. We continue to use this knowledge to help guide our clients towards the facilities that will best suit their needs.

    Read The Article In EU Business News

    You can read a full write-up about us and the award here: Article About FundInvoice In EU Business News.

    You can see confirmation of our win here: FundInvoice LLP - Winner Of Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year - UK - 2022.

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Examples of funders we work with:

giant finance
funding invoice
metro bank sme finance
apollo business finance